Saturday, September 17, 2011

Free Subscription to Baby Talk Magazine

Peace Love and Coupons: Free Subscription to Baby Talk Magazine: Go HERE to sign up for yours! Thanks Peace, Love, and Coupons and Crunchy Frugalista

Must Haves

My friend Kristin is 6 months pregnant and getting ready to go register for her baby shower. We walk together a few times a week and I started to tell her all of the things that are must haves when you have a newborn. Here are a few of those things:
*Vibrating chair- this thing saved our life during the first two months of Jordan's life! It was the only place he would sleep other than on our chests.
*Swing with a heart beat option- this was the second place we could get Jordan to sleep after the vibrating chair. The heart beat sound was really soothing and helped with the transition.
*Playpen- we set ours up in our bedroom so that he could sleep in there with us for the first four months. Our pediatrician suggested that we have him sleep in our room for at least the first three months and as a new mom, I got up many times a night to feed or just to check and make sure he was still breathing!
*Changing table- we were originally not going to get a changing table. We were on a tight budget and trying to decide what we absolutely needed and what we could do without. When we got a changing table for free from a friend, we were very grateful! Our changing table is probably the most used item we got and makes for a great place to do lots of bonding. :)
*Petroleum Jelly in a squeeze bottle- especially if you are having a boy! The squeeze bottle is much better than the jar.
*Handmade receiving blankets- a friend of ours made us receiving blankets and we love them! They are nice and big, much bigger than the ones at the store, and you can never have enough.
*Quality baby towels- we got some towels in packs of three from our baby shower and they ended up being really thin and mostly useless. We also got some nice thick towels from Target which are much better and totally worth the extra money.
*Six-shelf canvas sweater organizer for the closet- I bought two of these for Jordan's closet. They work great for blankets, receiving blankets, and spit rags!

What are some of your must-haves? What could you have lived without?

Next Weekend!

Second Sibling Sale!!!
September 23rd-25th
Fir Street Studios Downtown Medford

You still have time to Register to Consign!!

Great way to pick up some amazing items for baby and kids at great prices!! If you are in Southern Oregon you should check it out! :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Back to Work

Wow! What a whirlwind couple of weeks! So many, many different feelings about going back to work. On one hand it has been really nice to go back to work. I really love my job and the money doesn't hurt. On the other hand I miss my little guy during the day and I don't want to miss anything. The great thing about my job is that it is so consuming while I'm there that the time flies. But the minute I go out to get into the car to go home, I can't wait to pick up Jordan! I also find myself being jealous of my daycare provider because she gets to spend all day with Jordan and I don't. I know it sounds crazy, but if you are a mom I'm sure you know what I mean. I also haven't figured out how to work, cook, clean, take care of Jordan and somewhere in there make time for myself. Even though my husband is extremely helpful and does all things Jordan every morning and one day on the weekend. I think it will take a month or so to really get into the swing of things. I just hope and pray that I don't miss his first word or his first step or any big milestones. To be honest, if I do miss them, I hope that my daycare provider doesn't tell me about it and lets me believe that when he does it with me, that's the first time. Anyone having a hard time going back to work after being home with their little one? What are your tips/tricks to making it through?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Why would someone buy that?

While registering for our baby shower at Toys R Us, my husband and I found ourselves saying over and over, "Why would someone buy that?". Many of the items we were critical of we had very good reason. However, I have recently started to eat my words! Especially when it comes to the baby monitor. While selecting a baby monitor, we could not believe that anyone would really need a monitor with a sceen. We figured, if you can hear them, why would you need to see them? Besides I was counting on having to be up with him multiple times a night anyways. Were we ever wrong! For the first four months Jordan slept in our room and we had no problem with our baby monitors. But, now that Jordan is sleeping in his own room (and all night I might add!), I wake up at least four times a night to check on him. And every night I wish that I could just roll over and look at a little tv screen on my monitor instead of getting up and going into his room every time! Are there any items that you thought were totally useless before you had your baby and now you are eating your words?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Just In...

I just got done registering for my first half marathon! I am going to be mainly walking, but I'm plan on trying to run some parts. After having an emergency c-section in March, it's been quite a long recovery process. I had no idea just how long it was going to take for me to feel like myself again! I still have prickly feelings or numbness in the area and it took me forever to start really working out again. I am now on a mission to lose the last 8 pregnancy pounds!! I have been training hard for a little over a week now and I am really proud of myself. In the last 8 days I have walked over 30 miles. Now I just need to get my nutrition to match my cardio. I have the worst sweet tooth that has hung on since pregnancy! Have you had any things that you liked to eat while you were pregnant that you now can't stop eating? What are the ways you are losing those pesky pregnancy pounds??

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Huggies Diapers

Peace Love and Coupons: $3.00 off Huggies Slip on printable: Go HERE to print a $3.00 off huggies slip on printable from the HEB website. It is a manufacturer coupon.

Thank you Peace Love and Coupons!

Similac Strong Moms

When Jordan was born, I wanted to exclusively breastfeed. I was lucky enough that Jordan caught right on and was an avid breastfeeder! But, I can't breastfeed him forever. So, we started to ween him off of the breastfeeding and get him started on formula this summer as I'm going back to work this fall. Similac Strong Moms takes just a few minutes to sign up for and is totally worth it. They will send you checks for $5 off your purchase of formula (which really helps in the long run! This stuff is expensive!!) and samples. We have tried both Similac and Infamil for Jordan and he has done well with both. He also didn't have any problem switching from one to another. I have heard from my friends that some babies don't do so well switching...guess mine is a trooper!


Welcome to my blog! I am so excited to start blogging about my experiences being a mom! My friend Kristin really got me thinking about all of the things I would have liked to have known while I was pregnant and in becoming a mom. I hope to pass along some lessons I've learned, resources I've found helpful, and good deals I've found right here in Southern Oregon!