Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Why would someone buy that?

While registering for our baby shower at Toys R Us, my husband and I found ourselves saying over and over, "Why would someone buy that?". Many of the items we were critical of we had very good reason. However, I have recently started to eat my words! Especially when it comes to the baby monitor. While selecting a baby monitor, we could not believe that anyone would really need a monitor with a sceen. We figured, if you can hear them, why would you need to see them? Besides I was counting on having to be up with him multiple times a night anyways. Were we ever wrong! For the first four months Jordan slept in our room and we had no problem with our baby monitors. But, now that Jordan is sleeping in his own room (and all night I might add!), I wake up at least four times a night to check on him. And every night I wish that I could just roll over and look at a little tv screen on my monitor instead of getting up and going into his room every time! Are there any items that you thought were totally useless before you had your baby and now you are eating your words?

1 comment:

  1. I felt that way about juice, as weird as that seems. I was always like, "Why would anyone give their baby juice?! It's so bad for their teeth and full of sugar." But then little man got super constipated from the formula, and turns out, juice it was works. Glad I found 100% baby juice without all the added sugar, and it seems to really help :)
